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Light Party

Start your party with your Philips Hue lights right now!

Party Mode - Light Party Screenhot

Sync your lights to your music live!

Works with "White and Color" and "White Ambiance" bulbs, too.

Control multiple lights at once with a few clicks!

Just click on them and change the color.

Basic Light Actions - Light Party Screenhot
Light mode - Light Party Screenhot
Dark mode - Light Party Screenhot
Basic Light Actions - Light Party Screenhot

Full dark mode support!

So that you don't go blind in the night.

Completely free and open source.

And of course ad-free, too!

Get it from the Mircosoft Store GitHub

Or download the latest releases manually.

Made with by a single developer.

And with the help of some amazing APIs: Q42.HueApi from Q42 and Windows Community Toolkit from Mircosoft.

You can support me by sharing to application with others or by rating it in the Microsoft Store.
