
Privacy Policy and license of Light Party

The following content describes the Privacy Policy and license of the application Light Party. You can read the Legal notice or the Privacy Policy of this website, too.

Privacy Policy summary

The following text is only a summary of the most important information for the user from my perspective. You have to also read the Privacy Policy itself in order to agree to it. If there are any content-related differences between the summary and the Privacy Policy, the Privacy Policy always takes affect on those differences.

Light Party sends a request to a server after you agreed to the privacy policy and license. The server saves the approximate period when you agreed to those. On the next screen, you can choose whether you to enable telemetry or not.

I'm pleased for everyone who enables it, you can read more about that in "Should I enable Telemetry?". However, if you disable it no data will be collected from you ever again by this application (at least as long as you keep it disabled and don't reset Light Party).

But when you enable it (Thank you!), the following data will be collected anonymized:

But why do I need this data? You can read more a about that in "Should I enable Telemetry?".

Light Party does not collect any sort of personal data with which you cloud be identified. All data that is collect is collected anonymized.

In order to obtain the name of country, Light Party uses a service from Cloudflare. Therefore, I advice you to read the Privacy Policy of Cloudflare, too.

Except for Cloudflare, the application does not share any collected data with third parties.

The application also does not sell your data to third parties.

Full Privacy Policy

License summary

The following text is only a summary of the most important information for the user from my perspective. You have to also read the license itself in order to agree to it. If there are any content-related differences between the summary and the license, the license always takes affect on those differences.

The application Light Party is open source on GitHub. Therefore, it uses the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

choosealicense.com from GitHub Inc. provides a summary about the license.

GNU AGPLv3 affects the code and all the assets, which are aviable on the GitHub page. But keep in mind that this website and all the assets that are not aviable on GitHub are subject to copyright.

Full license